Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, effective method to give the body the chance to free itself from pain and blockages.
Craniosacral therapy thus represents a link between conventional medicine and alternative medicine. Cerebrospinal fluid, which circulates in the skull and spine, serves as an indicator. This rhythmic self-movement can be felt and thus blockages can be detected and loosened.

The therapy is carried out on a treatment table. The treatment is performed mainly from the head (ancient Greek: cranium) to the sacral bone (Latin: sacrum), i.e. head, neck, chest, spine and pelvis. Areas of application are both chronic and acute ailments. Migraine, neck, spinal and pelvic complaints, accident-related pain (e.g., whiplash), problems in the ENT area, concentration and learning disabilities in children, in birth preparation, solving birth trauma (long or too fast births, forceps, vacuum extraction (VE), multiple births, cry babies) mental symptoms (burn out).
The majority of all chronic complaints of our patients are due to burdensome stress management.
The therapist now makes a major effort to promote the restoration of vegetative flexibility as far as possible for the patient. The term autonomic flexibility refers to an optimal ability of the autonomic nervous system to better respond to stress factors in all its manifestations.
It is this system, which maintains vital functions and allows survival, without us having to take care of it consciously.
The sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system are the main components of the vegetative system (also called autonomous nervous system).
The sympathetic nervous system enables the body to react to stress such as struggle, danger, rage and joy by stimulating the circulation.
The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for functions during resting phases and also, among others, for digestion. Stress is thus primarily an over-stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
Due to daily pressure on the psyche and the body, there is a one-sided overload.
As a result, the state of tension in the sympathetic nervous system increases and causes i.a. Tachycardia (increased pulse rate), hypertension (high blood pressure) and many types of digestive problems.
To neutralize this overloaded state of tension in the sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, the pulse rate is reduced, digestion is stimulated and relaxation is rendered possible.